Neil Durant

Sound changes

How to avoid glitches and acrobatics

A couple of people were asking me how I deal with sound/patch changes in my keyboard setup, which often seems to be a bit of a thorny issue for keyboard players.

In the olden days, keyboard players had no choice but to change the sounds on their instruments 'live', twiddling Minimoog knobs or adjusting organ drawbars with one . . .

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June 04, 2014

Rack circa 2013-2014

Prior to April 2013 my synth rack equipment was spread across multiple racks cases, which was great for transporting, but annoying for setting up and dismantling after gigs. A whole set of cables were required passing between the two racks, which invariably ended up in a giant tangle after a gig, and the sheer number of interconnections gave . . .

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May 07, 2014

And so it begins

It's funny how when musicians get together, the topic of conversation invariably gravitates towards equipment. It's an old cliché but it's true - drummers do actually discuss their particular choice of sticks, guitarists debate the finer points of their respective effects pedals or strings, and so on. And I've found myself in . . .

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May 07, 2014


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